Alex Gogoliev Art

Local Watercolor Artist Boulder Colorado

original watercolor painting clouds
original watercolor painting sea
original watercolor painting fall colors

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local artist boulder colorado

Alex Gogoliev

Traveling is something I hold dear and is a primary source of inspiration for my art. I cherish every opportunity to explore new places and fully immerse myself in nature. Each journey deepens my love for our beautiful planet, inspiring me to capture its beauty in my work.

The second major source of my inspiration comes from my dreams. By keeping a dream journal, I can record raw ideas and emotions from deep within, which I then translate into unique and surreal artwork.

In my artwork, I use a mix of soft, blended watercolors and sharp, dark ink. The watercolors create a dreamy, almost magical effect, while the ink adds detail and clarity. These two mediums are opposites: watercolor flows and mixes with a mind of its own, while ink pens are precise and monochromatic. By bringing these two mediums together, I aim to share precious moments and emotions with the viewer.